Dams, Impoundments & Barriers

Dam Removal and Modification: Michigan Trout Unlimited supports the removal or modification of dams on Michigan’s coldwater watersheds that will improve hydrologic or thermal regimes and coldwater habitat. However, on those rivers where the dams act as barriers to migratory salmonid or nuisance aquatic invasive species, we will weigh scientific and social concerns before supporting or opposing dam removal or modification or fish passage. 

Pigeon River - Golden Lotus Dam

Hydropower Dam Relicensing: Michigan Trout Unlimited supports the ongoing efforts of the Michigan Hydro-Relicensing Coalition to gain recognition and accommodation of coldwater fisheries needs in the negotiation of licenses for dams in Michigan regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and monitoring the implementation of those licenses when granted. Attention will be paid to improving flow regimes, water quality, temperature regimes and fish passage at federally regulated and other dams.

Nuisance Species Barriers: Michigan Trout Unlimited supports the use of appropriate means to block aquatic nuisance species or other undesirable introduced species from impairing coldwater fisheries, their watersheds and the Great Lakes.